Over the last three weeks the Trustees have been listening to ideas from a wide range of artists and “consumers” of art, and people who care about the Minories. We have been studying the building and talking to potential occupants who might take and pay for space, which will allow us to achieve our aims. Our vision for the future is beginning to come together.
We have been aiming for a September reopening. This is beginning to look over ambitious, mainly because of the steps we must go through before we could accept an early surrender of the lease from Colchester Institute. We remain determined to reopen just as soon as we safely can.
We launched an appeal for £30,000 to help pay for this early work and for the services of surveyors, architects, etc. In two weeks this appeal has raised a total of £9,000 partly through the GoFundMe portal and partly in funds received directly.
A huge thank you to everyone who has helped us and is helping us, by attending our visioning meetings, giving us money, and sending in ideas. We really could not do it without your support.